The wonder of the TomTato

The wonder of the TomTato

Tomatoes and potatoes are very important to a healthy diet. Tomatoes are in very yummy foods like pizza, lasagna and, of course tomato sauce. Potatoes can be fried, roasted, baked, mashed and more. Imagine if you could grow both of them on the same plant. Impossible?...
All About Hamsters

All About Hamsters

Hamsters are the epitome of dynamite coming in small packages. These fuzzy friends may seem like they are cute and cuddly pets, but they are smart and can give you the same fun as any pet. Let’s dive into all the ways a hamster can be a great pet! General...
National French Toast Day

National French Toast Day

Hi Curious kids Did you know that every year, on the 28th of November, the whole world celebrates National French Toast Day? French Toast is the perfect food to enjoy as breakfast in the morning and it is a relatively easy meal to make. The simplest way to explain...
Snakes and their snake bites

Snakes and their snake bites

Hi Curious kids, Snakes are virtually everywhere. We can find them in our gardens, the ocean and in jungles. Some of these slithering friends can be harmless but some snakes are very dangerous! Snake encounters can be life threatening or even lethal, and it’s...

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