Hi Curious kids, Snakes are virtually everywhere. We can find them in our gardens, the ocean and in jungles. Some of these slithering friends can be harmless but some snakes are very dangerous! Snake encounters can be life threatening or even lethal, and it’s...
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Hi Curious Kids! Fly high with Amelia Earhart in our latest magazine. Find out why our brains can do cool stuff like solve problems and remember things easily as Jules answers the question, “Why do we need to sleep?”. The pinboard shows us the amazing artworks that...
Hey Curious kids! Dive into the secret world of squids in our latest magazine. Come jam out with Taylor Swift, cosy up in your favourite pyjama facts, learn about invasive species, and uncover the secrets behind the alphabet. Get ready for an exciting journey through...
Hey Curious Kids! Since we’re smack-bang in the middle of winter, there is nothing better than to cuddle up in bed with a good ol’ issue of Supernova. Grab yourself a nice steaming mug of hot chocolate, sit back and relax, because this time we’re going off...
Why should we care about wetlands? Wetlands are large plains of land where the ground is constantly saturated. It might sound like wetlands aren’t really that important, but when we start diving deeper into what they actually do for nature, we start to realise...