Check out the new Supernova Vol 11.3 – out now!

Written by Supernova

Jul 5, 2023

Hey Curious Kids! 

Since we’re smack-bang in the middle of winter, there is nothing better than to cuddle up in bed with a good ol’ issue of Supernova. Grab yourself a nice steaming mug of hot chocolate, sit back and relax, because this time we’re going off on a wild adventure! 

Kicking it off with some of South Africa’s vanishing species, we will be learning about endangered animals like the Oribi, Blue crane, Riverine rabbit, and the beautiful Knysna seahorse. Learn what status these animals have on the IUCN Red List, what threatens their extinction and so much more! Did you know that we call vultures ‘nature’s clean-up crew’? As we learn some incredible information about these endangered animals, we also learn how to make a rabbit pencil holder. Now, you have a super cute companion for when you do homework.  

Get ready for the Pinboard, because this time we are sharing some awesome news! Did you know that South Africa has recently upgraded to having 12 official languages?! South African Sign Language is now officially one of our languages. Jules answers a question that has been boggling some of our minds for quite a while now: Why do some animals hibernate? Then, we learn about Kirsten, the first ever woman to win the Golden Globe race. What a way to empower young girls, Kirsten!  

In the Creature Feature, we learn about a funny little animal called the Saiga – a small species of antelope. On to the CHOC Kids Corner where we meet Luthando, an eight-month-old baby, and see how his life has been changed by CHOC. Lastly, we see Danica’s awesome book review of Cressida Cowell’s new book Which Way to Anywhere. Thanks for the recommendation, Danica! 

For any Lisztomaniacs, we have a rocking piece on Franz Liszt! Did you know that he composed around 1400 works in his lifetime? That is incredible! The Culture Corner is bustling with some good-luck traditions from around the world. From shattering old plates at someone’s door, to walking around with an empty suitcase, there are some interesting traditions.  

Hopping over to the History of article… this time around we’re learning all about salt! Did you know that salt was used in ancient wars?! The Tech Talk is buzzing to life with the future of green energy – did you know that countries have actually found a way to share electricity? That is super cool! When you have a look at the Pro-Files, you will meet Ina, a social worker. She teaches us all about life as a social worker and what drives social workers’ passion. The Trends article zooms in on wearable technology and the future of fashion. From smart jewellery to smart clothing and glasses, we are definitely in for a wild ride in the future! 

Don’t get too jealous, because this time Andy traveled to Budapest! She teaches us all about the history of Budapest and we learn about dobos torte, a delicious traditional dessert. For our language lovers, we have an article about the vocab genius, William Shakespeare. Did you know that a lot of the things we use in our everyday speech were first used by Shakespeare? Next time you’re in a pickle when writing an essay, just have a look at some of his amazing phrases – you’ll definitely find some inspiration there! 

Toning it down with the Photo Feed, we are having a look at Darkened Cities. This gives us a glimpse of what cities looks like at night (without any electricity)! Some of the photographs are absolutely stunning. The first feature article of this issue asks us a very important question: Would we have survived the Titanic? We learn what happened on the Titanic and how there were only 700 survivors!  

Keeping it cool, we have a look at glaciers! We learn some interesting facts about glaciers and why they are actually very important for our planet! Did you know that the about 100 000 glaciers in Alaska? That’s wild! But before we start freezing, we move on to some nice and warm Boeresport! From bokdrol spoeg to kennetjie, we have a lot of fun with these games.  

Test your knowledge of this issue with our Brain Games and the awesome new article, What’cha Reading. Try to fill in the crossword puzzle by yourself and see how much you can fill in. Next, test yourself on the super cool feature about glaciers and answer the questions in What’cha Reading! Then, 13-year-old Sean asks Candice how he should balance school, sports and cultural activities in his life.  

Are you a fan of close-up photos? Because this time you have two amazing posters in the Big Picture section! What do you like more, a scaly close-up of an Orinoco Crocodile or a feathered close-up of a Griffon Vulture? Decisions, decisions! Lastly, have a look at the awesome comics in this issue. From Mimi’s Life on Mars to Young Leonardo da Vinci and Doctor RIP, we have some epic comics this time around! With the theme of survival looming over this issue, we really hope you enjoy this issue and everything we have planned out for you! 

Stay curious, kids! 

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